Blog - Pink Lemonade Shop Cloth Menstrual Pads, 2016/1

Vegan Menstrual Care Product Options, Vegan Cloth Pads, Menstrual Cups and more!

Posted by Julie on 1/30/2016 to Cloth Pad Questions & Answers
So you're vegan?  You care about animals, advocacy and making the healthiest and most natural decisions for yourself and your family.  Determining which products are vegan-friendly is no easy feat.  Some brands make it easy to tell in the form of a stamp or seal while others leave you scrutinizing every ingredient, including what was used in the packaging, labeling and product testing process.

How to use and store Cloth Pads in a Public Restroom

Posted by Sam on 1/29/2016 to Getting Started
You’re considering the switch to cloth pads, but the idea of using them on the go is holding you back? Does the care and keep of your cloth pads when you’re away from home have you feeling nervous? You’ll truly be surprised at how easy it really is to use cloth pads when outside of the comfort of your own restroom and the accessories available at the shop to make the switch even easier!

Benefits in choosing Raw Silk Cloth Pads

Posted by Sam on 1/26/2016 to Fabrics
Do you struggle with frequent urinary tract infections? Have you considered adding Raw Silk cloth pads to your stash? May find Raw Silk to be a soothing fabric option in your cloth pad stash! Pink Lemonade Shop offers quite a few fabric options for cloth pads including Raw Silk.

Pink Lemonade Shop's Frequently Asked Cloth Pad Questions

Posted by Alex on 1/21/2016 to Getting Started
There were some wonderful questions asked at our recent cloth pad chat party, so we thought it would be a good idea to have them posted here for easy and quick reference! If you have any more cloth pad questions, feel free to ask below or to email us direct!

How My Journey to Cloth Pads Began

Posted by Regan on 1/21/2016 to Getting Started
I have been a member of my oldest son's birth club group since right after his birth almost sixteen years ago. Crazy, right? Over the years, it has turned into a bunch of women sitting around in a virtual Starbucks chit-chatting over cyber lattes. About eight years ago one of those conversations was about reusable menstrual options

What to AVOID when caring for your cloth pads

Posted by Julie on 1/20/2016 to Cloth Pad Washing
cloth pads,washing,avoidAs previously mentioned in our blog post "How to wash cloth menstrual pads," cloth pad care is easy and requires minimal effort. While no real special cloth pad care and use instructions are required, questions often arise because women would rather be safe than sorry and don't want to risk ruining their cloth pads.

How to wash cloth menstrual pads

Posted by Julie & Jeanette on 1/19/2016 to Cloth Pad Washing
Are you looking for information on how to wash and care for your cloth menstrual pads? Well, then you've come to the right place! Washing cloth pads is easy and very similar to washing regular laundry.

Learn just how easy it is to care for and wash your cloth pads from Pink Lemonade Shop!

Start Your New Year with Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads from Pink Lemonade Shop!

Posted by Alex on 1/1/2016 to Getting Started
This year we want to start you off right and give you the opportunity to start your cloth pad stash or add to it! Gone are the days of scratchy, chemical filled, disposable products...we want to introduce you to your new best friend, Pink Lemonade Shop cloth pads.
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